Every now and then we get to share something so beautiful and exquisite that it pains us to actually have to need to accompany the music with words. Such is the case for “Lovers Reverie,” Gerald Clayton‘s gorgeous new single from his forthcoming Motéma release, Tributary Tales. Slated for an April 21st release date, Tributary Tales draws the comparison of stories that merge with a greater narrative of scattered origins to streams that flow into a greater body of water.
“I feel like the various encounters in my life are in their own way tributaries — like every trip is somehow an opportunity to discover a new type of bend in the river,” Clayton explains. “The various places, people, foods and cultures I’ve been able to experience in my travels, all the musicians I gathered for this project and all the songs I’ve written — there’s a feeling of connectedness between them, even though they’re all their own separate entities.”
Grab your favorite pair of headphone, tune the noise from the outside world, and daydream with us in “Lovers Reverie.”
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